モバイル & カスタムアプリケーション開発
Our Custom Application Development Services Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level
In today’s competitive environment, it is important to have strong software solutions. Having good software can give you a competitive edge by automating tasks, improving efficiency, and providing a better user experience. But it’s not enough to just have a web developer on your team. You need people who can draft and organize a plan to ensure that your custom app is a success even before you have developers working on it.
IMT Solutions, as a leader among Vietnam’s development companies, understands. We’ve worked with hundreds of application development projects over the years, so we know just where to start to make your ideas a success.
We Use Teamwork As the Base For Our Plans:
When we receive a request, we get a team of experts together to ensure success at all levels. These experts can be analysts, software engineers, architects, designers and developers, whatever is necessary to guarantee the customer’s success. Our analysts will work with you to understand your needs and requirements. Our software engineers can design and develop the application. Our architects can ensure that the application is scalable and secure. Our designers can create a user interface that is both visually appealing and functional. Our developers can implement the application and test it thoroughly. Whatever the project’s requirement, even if it requires the most obscure of programming languages, we can handle it.
We Present Comprehensive Plans to Ensure Completion Within Time & Budget:
To ensure transparency, we always create a comprehensive plan for our partners. Each plan always includes the project scope, timeline, and budget, so that our partners can track the progress of their projects. This helps ensure low-cost and quick-deployment for all customers.
We Commit to Our Customers:
IMT Solutions, as a leading app development company, always makes to keep track of which clients need what. This helps us stay on top of customer requirements, even after we’ve finished developing their app. From small businesses to large enterprises, from iOS to Android, from web application to systems development, we believe in providing our clients with as high quality a service as possible.
If you need a custom software development company, look no further:
We would be happy to discuss your needs and see what we can do to help you achieve your goals.
IMT Solutions can provide a wide range of services, including:
- Client-Server Applications Development:
These applications are designed to run on a network of computers. They are used for business applications, like inventory management and CRM systems. - Web Applications Development:
These applications are designed to run on the internet. They are often used for e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and content management systems. - Mobile Applications Development:
These are apps used on mobile devices. Mobile apps can be used for things like gaming, productivity, and entertainment. - App Design:
We can design custom mobile and web applications that are visually appealing and user-friendly, helping you improve your customer experience. - React native:
We develop React native applications, or hybrid mobile applications written in JavaScript. This makes them easier to develop and maintain than native applications. - アプリケーション開発:
We can develop custom software solutions to meet any specific need. This could involve anything from a simple script to a complex enterprise application. - Object-Oriented Software:
We can develop object-oriented software, or software designed to be modular and reusable. This makes it easier to maintain and update the software in the future.
We promise results. Our expert team of experienced android developers, iOS developers, web app developers, and will ensure your businesses success. With the latest technologies and methodologies, guaranteed to ensure quality and customer satisfaction, we’ll do everything we can to give you ground-breaking results. And with our proven track record and competitive rates, we swear that you’ll always be within budget and timeline.
カスタマイズ開発 - アジャイル方式




Ruby On Rails開発
Ruby on Rails は、Web ソリューションをできるだけ早く開発・展開する必要があるお客様に最適で、最も人気のあるオープンソースフレームワークの 1 つとなっています。IMTソリューションズはRuby on Railsに情熱を注いでおり、当社の開発者はお客様のために魅力的なソリューションを開発する準備が整っています。Ruby on Railsは以下を提供します。
- 迅速な製品提供: Ruby on Rails のユーザーは、数日以内に魅力的なコンテンツを作成することができます。
- 柔軟性: Ruby on Rails は拡張性があり、お客様のニーズに合わせて調整することができます。
- オープンソース: Ruby on Rails は、クロスプラットフォームで、多くのソリューションと互換性があります。

- オープンソースの開発: PHPはクロスプラットフォームで、他のオープンソースソリューションと互換性があります。
- 柔軟性: PHPはスケーラブルで堅牢であることが証明されており、迅速なターンアラウンドを保証します。
- アジャイル: この開発プロセスを使用することで、即時のフィードバックループが確保され、問題が発生するとすぐにチームが製品を更新することができます。

企業資源計画(ERP)、顧客関係管理(CRM)、ビジネスインテリジェンス(BI)、データ分析などの経験を活かし、お客様のニーズに合わせてソリューションをカスタマイズします。 - 保守とサポート:
ソリューションのクリーンアップ、最適化、品質問題への対応など、お客様のソリューションを可能な限りベストな状態に維持するためのサービスを提供します。 - 保守とサポート:
ソリューションのクリーンアップ、最適化、品質問題への対応など、お客様のソリューションを可能な限りベストな状態に維持するためのサービスを提供します - S/4 HANAマイグレーション:
当社の専門家は、古くなったシステムの移行に長けています。HANAのコードベースを更新すると同時に、UI/UXを更新することも可能です。 - 統合:



